open shop hours
Tuesdays 3-7pm
bike walk tompkins hq
803 Cascadilla St (facing the waterfront trail)

Bike Walk Tompkins works to increase bike education and access to bikes for all. Our community bike shop works together with Southside's RIBs and other local businesses to increase opportunities for routine bike maintenance, skill sharing, recycled bike parts, and refurbished bikes on sale. We are currently open once a week for anyone who needs mechanic support, access to tools, and free-to-low cost refurbished bikes, parts, and components.

People wishing to donate bikes or bike parts, components, and accessories are asked to contact
with a photo of the bike along with its make/model in order to arrange a pick up/drop off.

Past Collaborative Bikes Sales

Volunteers at Southside’s RIBs bike shop prepping donated bikes for the 2021 sale.

Eager customers lined up at the 2021 Bike sale just off the Cayuga Waterfront Trail.

Refurbished bikes safety checked and ready to be sold at the 2022 bike sale.